With ECHA actively evaluating a ban on PFAS and restrictions on PVDF membranes in Europe and EPA announcing the final NPDWR for six PFASs this year, Ceramic membranes are more likely to replace more polymer membranes. Which will be accelerating the impact of ceramic membranes in the water treatment industry and drive the industry towards a sustainable future.
Compared with PVDF membranes that contribute to the PFAS burden and plastic pollution in the environment and have a negative impact on human health ultimately. Ceramic membranes have many advantages:
1.Cleaner and more durable
In contrast to polymer membranes, ceramic membranes have cleaner and more economical application, and have irreplaceable advantages in durability, sustainability and filtration performance
2.More harmless and environmentally friendly
Ceramic membranes are more harmless, more environmentally friendly. Their durability and longer service life mean lower maintenance costs and fewer replacements. And ceramic flat membranes can provide reliable and stable performance guarantees when they are actually used, and have a higher resistance to environmental changes.
3. Meeting sustainable development strategies
Ceramic membranes do not exacerbate the plastic problem, which is a sustainable solution designed to evolve with our environmental needs.
We will continue to pay attention to the national regulations about PFAS bans and look forward to more details are implemented, which will improve development of ceramic membrane greatly in the future.